A heart wrenching top down shooter, where you play as a “hero” saving the civilized world from undying beasts.
A short narrative ARPG about a girl born in a middle eastern-fantasy world who finds by chance that her life is prewritten as she was protecting her family’s land from occupiers, fight a variety of monsters in a dynamic combat, explore a new world, help amira write her own life.

Amira’s 7 Years Journey, Amira Arriving In A New Form
Amira’s 7 Years Journey Today, I want to share with you the incredible journey of “Amira,” my Middle Eastern fantasy RPG game. Over the course of four years, this game has evolved through seven unique iterations, each teaching me valuable lessons…
Devlog 5: Amira The Grand Battle, first gameplay teaser
The grand battle Hello everyone its me Mo’tasem again this time, i present to you, with an expansion of what i have started last month, which is the clothing, it is a really difficult and hard topic, but i am doing…
Devlog 4: Amira is strong regardless of how she dresses
Amira is strong regardless of the dress Hello everyone its me Mo’tasem again this time, i present to you, with an expansion of what i have started last month, which is the clothing, it is a really difficult and hard topic,…
Devlog 3: changing amira’s from peace to confidence
How changing amira’s clothing changes the game Hello it is me Motasem the sole developer behind amira, in this devlog, i present to you, a really difficult and hard topic, and it is clothing in our culture, and how i connected…