Amira’s 7 Years Journey, Amira Arriving In A New Form | Devlog 6

Amira’s 7 Years Journey

Today, I want to share with you the incredible journey of “Amira,” my Middle Eastern fantasy RPG game. Over the course of four years, this game has evolved through seven unique iterations, each teaching me valuable lessons along the way. Despite facing numerous challenges, including limited resources and being from a humble background, I persisted in creating a captivating story centered around a Middle Eastern girl navigating a challenging world.

I will share all 7 iterations that Amira has gone through from 2017 up until today, along side many lessons learned, challenges i have faced, and much more.

Can’t believe, its already been almost 6 years? watch the video if you want to find out about Amira the Story driven action RPG game, about a young girl who wants to write her own life by her own hands, how the game came to be, and how it changed throughout these six years, it even jumped between many different genres ! (which is bad but fun to watch 😀 )

The Future Of Amira

Amira is still alive and kicking, it is still in development, and will be better than ever, however one key feature that we decided to cut was the third person camera, that feature is now gone sadly, aside from that, you will see so many new improvements for the gameplay, and fluidness of the combat, performance and smoothness of animations it will be mind blowning.

As A thank You, i included some pictures in this announcement for all of the previous iterations, Thank you for your continued support, and Amira will be coming better than ever.

Iterations Pictures Ordered From Oldest To Newest

Iteration 1: Code Named : Called Adventure Project

Iteration 2: Code named : Gun And Run

Iteration 3: Code Named : Dalia

Iteration 4: Code Named : Amira And Their Honor

Iteration 5: Code Named : Amira

Iteration 6: Code Named : Amira