General Information


Jondob Games

Expected Release Date


Supported Platforms At Launch

PC (Windows/Linux/Mac)


Microsoft Store



XBox One

XBox X/S

Playstation 5

Nintendo Switch

Game Description

Amira a story driven ARPG that tells the story of a young girl, born in a fictional fantasy-middle eastern world, where she does her best to help her family protecting their land, until one day when she learned that her life is prewritten for her when she went against her master’s wishes by mistake, and that begins her journey for writing her own life.

Key Features

Discover A New World: filled with rules, laws and traditions, that change the lives of everyone from monsters and jinn to your own family in this fictional middle eastern fantasy world

Action Packed Battle: ruled by quick and responsive controls, easy to learn for new players, while offering a rich experience for advanced players, offering both ranged and melee combat over the course of multiple unique environments.

Grow Stronger And More Helpful: through finding safe points which give you strength and memory fragments, that unlock new weapons, and special abilities while teaching you about the world.

Uncover The Secrets: rules and traditions of this world by solving puzzles leading you to a new path in the world.

Collect The Prayers: and use it as a soruce of your strength, to protect both yourself, and your land, from the monsters and jinn.


The game’s development started in February of 2020, the game is being developed by a person Mo’tasem Zakarneh, under the name of Jondob Games, with a near zero budget, before starting with the development of this game, while i studied physics at the university at i had started teaching my self game development at around January of 2016, and have created many prototypes, and personal non commercial projects for the main goal of bettering myself.

The idea of amira, was born through observations of my surroundings, phenomenons and traditions that are in the typical middle eastern community, the game builds on this, by adding fantasy and middle eastern folklore into the mix, creating a vibrant rich world, that allows amira’s story to be told, and tackle some of the traditions, and some questions such as, fate, and freedom, are our lives written or do we write them ourselves, and how traditions effect us.


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