A 3D Story-driven adventure about a young happy girl, who never realized she had all her life planned for her, until she went deviated her masters intentions, for the first time, all she seeks is acceptance for the differences she has, and making her own decisions.

A girl who is going through depression discovers that her condition is not the end of he world, but is the beginning of her life journey as she discovers that the light has always been within herself.
- Topdown 2D Isometric
- Complex Interactable System
- Aesthetic Cute Visuals
- Cinematic Effects

Dunya The Dumya
A Twin stick shooter adventure game, where you play as Dunya and Dumya who are best friends, with Dumya doing her best to help her friend, grow better and grow stronger.
- Twin Stick sHooter
- Adventure Elements
- Weapons and abilities
- Story-Dreamlike fantasy
A Story Driven 3D RPG Top Down Game, where you play as a cursed girl, who is born a wrong place at the wrong time, more different than anyone in a world that does not allow differences, she is blamed and attacked for the curse that hit the village that turns its people into monsters.
- Top down Movement
- Versatile Interaction System
- Special Abilities And Weapons
- Ai
- Inventory, Data Structures and data storage

Tactial Arena: Multiplayer RTS Prototype
A Quick Multiplayer RTS prototype i have made in three weeks, as a part of a small game jam,
- Creeps AI.
- A Variety of units : such as shoot while moving or stop to shoot.
- Pathfinding and Moving in group.
- Resources system and construction system.
- Inventory and Data Structures.
Adventure Of Relativity
A Puzzle top down game : you are thrown in an alternate world, you control a car that moves at different speed sets, that are close to speed of light, and you start see the world changing around you because of the speed, and explore the rules of this new world.
- Destructibles System
- Variable momentum interactable system
- Puzzle Mechanics and interactables
- Chance based collision that show cases the tunneling phenomenon
- Time Dilation mechanic where things slow down as you move quicker.